May 2012 Issue
This month the FCI World Dog Show will be held in Salzburg, Austria. The USA Australian Terrier National Specialty will be held in Missouri this month. ATI wants to wish everyone the best of luck.
With so many devoted Aussie lovers in one place, perhaps it might be a wonderful time to have productive conversations about health. Many countries have requirements about testing that must be done prior to breeding. In the US it is not required.
Does testing matter? Some who do not health test claim it does not. Yet this month you will read about a dog with a possible genetic issue that has cost its owner thousands of dollars. You will also find information about CHIC testing in the US.
Who enforces and/or protects the public from people selling unhealthy dogs or dogs that develop health issues that are costly down the road? Is there a way to help the pet buyer?
As breeders what are our ethical responsibilities, if any, to both the puppies we produce and to the buyers? What are our responsibilities to each other?
As breeders how much are we intellectually responsible to know about a pedigree before breeding into it? Could we know more by asking more questions? Is it good enough for a fellow breeder to say they tested their dog? Should it be our responsibility to see the test results?
As puppy buyers how much due diligence should we do prior to buying our dog? Why is it important to go to the home of your breeder and see the parents and the way the dogs are kept? What are the possible ramifications of wanting an Aussie today and buying one off the internet tomorrow and having it shipped? What are the risks of instant dog ownership gratification and convenience?
I am receiving almost one phone call a week from pet buyers in the US who either have an afflicted Aussie or have just lost one. Last month several people called who had lost their dogs to diabetes and epilepsy; people also called looking for answers to severe food allergy and patella issues.
I’ve heard it said, “When we know better we do better.” Perhaps if we all work together, with honesty and integrity, we can make a difference and keep the future bright for the breed.
Pamela Levy
Surely Nothing To Lose “Silja” Silja is owned and loved by Birthe and Ole Buch, in Denmark.
Silja and Svea
A Trip To Remember By Elaine Strid
This is a story of a breeder flying with her Aussie to Finland in order to breed her with the hope of increasing the US Aussie gene pool.
The finished product but we are getting ahead of ourselves!
After hours of Skype talk and many emails sent and received, in January, 2012, I left my home in the USA for a trip to Finland. But, I am getting ahead of myself. My plan was to take my Aussie, Fergie (GCH CH Roachan’s Live & Let Fly at RedSky), to be bred as well as bring back dog semen if I found promising donors. I also wanted to collect a USA dog residing in Finland. The preparation for this trip was no small feat. Here is my story.
I made arrangements with my veterinarian to start the documentation that is required by Finnish customs. Again, this is no small feat. The documentation is quite complicated; anyone thinking of doing this should start this process 60 days prior to departure. It took three attempts before the paperwork was approved by the USDA with three weeks of effort from me, my veterinarian, and the USDA.
I made flight reservations for Fergie and me with Lufthansa. Yes, I did ask for God’s direction as to when Fergie would be in season. As I was only going to be gone for ten days, the timing had to hit just right. I then made reservations for the semen tank that I was taking to Finland in order to hopefully bring back semen. I took the empty semen tank as an extra bag as this was the cheapest way to get the tank to Finland. Renting a tank from Finland would have required shipping it back and therefore been more costly.
Since I was going through Frankfurt, Germany, as part of the original departure plan, the number of dogs that I planned to take went from one to five. Yes, I said five. Two dogs and one leased bitch with her puppy were to be returned to Reimin Kennels. Two more puppies were to go to their new homes; one going to Frankfurt where it would live and the other going to Reimin and Surely Kennels in Finland. This required much more work to prepare documentation for these additional dogs. Since these dogs were traveling with a passenger on the flight (one in the cabin and four in cargo) it was a great savings. The dogs’ transportation cost $200.00 each instead of approximately $750.00 each had they traveled without a passenger.
I continued to work on completing the required documentation as well as having the dogs wormed. It took at least three attempts for each of the dog’s paperwork to be correct. The fees for the veterinarian and the USDA to complete this paperwork are about $150.00 to $200.00 per dog.
The next challenge I faced was how to get a female dog to come into season in order to be bred during this trip. Three days prior to departure Fergie was still not in season. Then, the night before the day we were to leave, about 20 hours before our departure, Fergie came into season. That was a big “Hurray!”
After many phone calls and emails, with lots of coordination, Fergie and I, along with the other four dogs, all arrived at the airport on the 29th of December for our flight to Germany. All six of us arrived in Frankfurt on December 30.
My next challenge was to find a way outside the airport for Fergie to have a much needed potty break. She did great on the flight with not a peep, yet, I confess, I took her to the airplane restroom and let her out of her Sherpa bag for a few minutes. As soon as I arrived in the terminal my cell phone rang. Can you believe that it worked without any work on my part? So after a veterinarian check, finding the Frankfurt puppy owners as well as the puppy, which was in the wrong place in cargo, the puppy left with a new, loving family for his new home. Goal number one completed. I was not allowed to see or check the other dogs while they were in Frankfurt, but Lufthansa personnel assured me they would be fed, walked, and watered before their Frankfurt to Helsinki flight.
On the evening of December 30, a Friday, Fergie and I arrived in Helsinki. I had to find a huge cart, load my own bags, load the other three dogs and leave baggage claim on my own. There were no porters available for international travelers. I don’t know when the documentation for the other dogs was checked, but it obviously had been checked as it was all in a different order upon their arrival. Krista Riihela from Reimin Kennels and her friends were a welcome sight when I turned the corner from baggage claim. I was pretty sure that a shower and a pillow was something I wanted as soon as possible.
Now, more work started. I had to make a decision as to what dog’s semen to collect and most importantly who would be Fergie’s mate. I looked at many lovely dogs. The rear angulation and beautiful strong heads of Aussies in Finland are enough to make any Australian Terrier breeder very happy, yet, I was looking for not only that but a genetic background in common with Fergie.
Please don’t think the visit was all work and no play. There was a lovely evening on New Year’s Eve of food, wine and fun with lovely people at the cottage where I stayed. There were great places to hike with Fergie around beautiful farm land. Snow makes Finland quite crisp and beautiful in the sunshine as well as the moonlight. I made a ferry day trip with Satu Harden of Surely Kennel to Tallin, Estonia. This is a quaint Renaissance Russian town in the middle of a modern city. Did I mention it was snowing again? The Black Sea is a little intimidating on a black night, with huge swells in the sea and wind and snow blowing from every direction. I was glad to return to port in Helsinki safe and sound.
In a blinding snowstorm, in the early wee hours of the day, on Wednesday, January 4, Irma Harden, Fergie and I, along with three beautiful male dogs, made our way to OpVet, Helsinki. By 10:00 AM the snow had stopped. The three male dogs were collected to have their semen shipped to the USA semen bank. Irma and I took a short break and went back to her home. No rest for the silly people who breed dogs. It appeared that Fergie was ready and Dio (Reimin Master of Puppets) was willing. There was a short interlude between them. On Friday, January 6 there occurred another long interlude between Fergie and Dio. Everyone seemed confident that this was all that was needed to make sure that puppies were swimming back to the USA in Fergie’s womb. With this major accomplishment of getting Fergie bred, I achieved goal number two.
Fergie in Finland
The Papa, Reimin Master of Puppets “Dio”
With what seemed like a short weekend, after a delightful visit to the old town of Porvoo and making deeper friendships it was now time to return home to the USA. So on the following Monday we headed back to Helsinki with dear Irma for our flight back home. It seemed impossible that we had only been gone for ten days. So much had happened during this trip. Fergie simply was a great little trouper on the flight home. We missed the connection in Frankfurt to go to Chicago so they rushed us over to a direct flight to Denver. There was no time for a pit stop for poor Ms. Fergie, so off we went to Denver. Can you believe she made it for about 16 to 18 hours without a pit stop? I am sure I would not have made it that long. We were both glad to be back in the USA.
After coordinating emails from OpVet and the International Canine Semen Bank in Brighton, Colorado, I learned that all of the semen arrived on February 4! Goal number three completed with the frozen “boys” safe and sound in the USA. They are waiting for an opportunity to add to the USA Australian Terrier genetic pool.
Fergie had an ultrasound on February 8 finding her pregnant with five or more puppies. Whelpwise hunted for puppy heartbeats the last of February and we found six.
On March 7 we welcomed six puppies into the world, five blue/tans (two females and three males) and one red male. Sadly, one little blue/tan male weighed only 3.75 ounces. I worked very hard to get his weight up, spending much time trying to get him to nurse as well as giving him supplemental feedings. After less than 48 hours we lost him. It hurts when you lose a puppy you try so desperately to save.
Fergie and her puppy.
The puppies in a puppy huddle.
To date, the cost of this endeavor is somewhere around $6000.00 to $7000.00. I did this for the betterment of the breed. Although it probably will take generations of Aussies to see if the impact of this wild tale was worth it, I am ever hopeful.
Puppies are growing and enjoying running through the agility tunnel all together.
Playing tug-of-war.
The History Of The Docked Tail
This article was written and presented by Sue Holsinger, at the request of the ATCA President, in 2009, at our National Specialty. As such, some of the information, as presented, may be out of date.
The origins of tail docking are varied and contradictory. The first references go back to Roman times, when dogs’ tails and parts of their tongues were cut off to prevent rabies. In Europe, aristocratic families often had hunting dogs. At first, hunters decided a shortened tail would help the dog with its quickness and agility. This trend became so popular that noble landlords began taxing the owners of long-tailed dogs.
Tail docking seems to have emerged for a variety of reasons, but for some breeds it was proposed primarily to improve appearance. Books from different periods openly refer to docking of some breeds as a matter of pleasing appearance (e.g., The American Book of the Dog, 1891, p. 619, 6695; 6696).
AKC has taken the position that, “In the case of new breeds, if the breed is cropped or docked, they are required to describe a natural tail. This would include the Glenn of Imaal Terrier and the Black Russian Terrier, Pyrenean Shepherd, Swedish Vallhund. Standards that have recently been revised to address natural tails are: The Clumber Spaniel and the Affenpinscher.”
The American Veterinary Association has held a position against ear cropping since 1976. Tail docking was added to their position statement in 1999. They strengthened their position in the end of 2008 to read:
“The AVMA opposes ear cropping and tail docking of dogs when done solely for cosmetic purposes. The AVMA encourages the elimination of ear cropping and tail docking from breed standards. ”
Legislation in the US falls into 2 general categories. First there are stand-alone bills, which seek to ban cropping and docking. Then there are care and conditions bills, which would require cropping and docking to be done by a licensed veterinarian and address a group of medical procedures including debarking and cesarean sections. These later bills are designed to prevent puppy mills from performing procedures in an inhumane manner, but also to legislate hobby breeders. There are currently cropping/docking bills in New York and Illinois, and some 30 care and conditions bills across the US.
Worldwide, cropping and docking has been outlawed in the following countries:
England, Wales, Scotland, Australia, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, Cypress, Greece and Luxembourg.
Some countries have exclusions for hunting dogs or dogs of specific breeds, but overall these are limited and require an excessive burden of proof. Several of these passed initial legislation that required that cropping and docking be done by a veterinarian, then followed with an outright ban or deemed it unethical for veterinarians to do it.
Breed Standards in the US describing natural tails include the Affenpinscher,Clumber Spaniel, Glen of Imaal Terrier, Swedish Valhund, Black Russian Terrierand Pyrenean Shepherd. Fifty-five breed standards mention docking. Thirty-seven specify the dog should be docked with ONLY ONE identifying a tail not docked as a fault.
Breed Standards abroad still dance around the docking issue. Many breeds have not rewritten their breed standards since docking bans took effect. Australian Terrier breed standards in some countries reflect this. The UK has added language indicating that the tail was previously customarily docked, and New South Wales indicates that dogs with natural tails were permitted to be shown. Scandinavian countries wait for the Australians to revise their standards. Only the Australian Silky Terrier standard seems to have addressed the issue, and states:
Tail: Preferably docked, set on high and carried erect but not over-gay. Should be free of feathering. If undocked, the first three vertebrae to be carried erect, the balance to be carried erect or slightly curved, but not over-gay. Must not be curled. The length to give an overall balanced appearance. In accordance with the docked description the undocked tail to be free of feathering.
In light of the bans on cropping and docking abroad, and the volume of legislation in this country that would restrict or prohibit the rights of breeders to dock puppies, I think it is prudent to consider the future of docking in our breed. Allowing for undocked dogs to be imported and shown without penalty enhances our ability to breed for an attractive, undocked tail, and enlarges our gene pool. Sue Holsinger
Puppy Buyer Contracts By Theresa Goiffon
Most reputable breeders provide puppy buyers with a contract at the time of purchase. Here are several things you may expect to see in your contract.
Breeders and new puppy owners both want the same thing, a healthy, happy puppy. Mutually agreeing on what is in the best interest of the puppy is important. Putting your agreement in writing is important for all parties involved in order to avoid any misunderstanding. I spoke with several Australian Terrier breeders across the country and abroad regarding this topic. Do they have a contract when they sell a puppy? Does their contract only apply to show homes or to companion homes as well? Here is what I discovered.
Photo Courtesy Of Pamela Levy
All of the breeders I spoke with have contracts. A contract for show/breeding Aussies is different from a contract for a pet/companion. Although much of the same general agreement is used in both, the show/breeding contracts often require co-ownership with the breeder and more specific conditions are required of the buyer by the breeder.
Most contracts include the obvious conditions, such as making sure the puppy is not tied or chained outdoors or kenneled extensively. Most include making sure the puppy is provided with a safe play area, with fresh food and water daily. Puppy contracts also require that routine veterinary care, in addition to following the vaccination protocol provided by the breeder, be provided by the buyer.
Some breeders provide a health guarantee; some do not. Many breeders perform health tests on the parents of the puppy and provide the results to the new owner as part of their commitment to breeding only healthy dogs.
Many include in their contract that the puppy buyer agrees to participate in providing information for health surveys and longevity surveys as well.
Breeders stipulate at the time of this sale that the puppy is to be a pet/companion puppy and that they register their puppy with the American Kennel Club. The privileges with the AKC will be on a limited registration basis, meaning they are not allowed to breed their dog.
Most contracts state the puppy is to be spayed or neutered prior to nine months of age and that the puppy will not be allowed to breed or be bred for any reason. If breeding occurs, the puppy and all resulting offspring are to be returned to the breeder.
Some breeders require the buyer to have their puppies micro-chipped.
Some countries, like Sweden, have both direct purchase agreements for companion Aussies and co-owner purchase agreements which include breeding rights. Thank you to Ewa Karlsson for providing me with a copy of The Swedish Kennel Club (SKK) Dog Purchase Agreement, one with and without breeding rights retained.
Photo Courtesy Of Theresa Goiffon
Most of their requirements are not much different than the US agreements. Something that I have not seen in the US breeder’s contract is the requirement for insurance. The SKK requires that all puppies be insured and specifically states that the breeder has taken out insurance to cover hidden faults. This insurance is valid for at least three years from the day on which the dog is delivered. The insurance amount corresponds to the purchase price.
The buyer agrees to purchase life and veterinary care insurance for the dog. The insurance amount may not be lower than the purchase price of the puppy. The buyer agrees to pay the premiums for this policy without delay and to maintain the policy for at least three years once the puppy leaves the breeder and is registered with the SKK. In Sweden, most breeders require the new owner to provide them with the results of health testing, which are eyes and knee (Patella) at the age of one year.
Both pet/companion and show/breeding contracts, both here and oversees, are very specific about requiring, should the new owner no longer be able to care for the dog over the life time of the dog that the dog be returned to the breeder for re-homing. In some instances where travel makes returning the dog difficult, the breeder and the new owner will agree on a new home for the dog.
The reasons for a contract are fairly self explanatory. Every breeder wants to make sure the dogs they help bring into this world are in the best forever homes. The written contract provides a clear expectation and understanding between both parties.
The Story of Tippe Kennels
Tippe is the oldest active Australian Terrier breeding kennel in Denmark. Founded in 1975, Tippe looks forward to celebrating their 40 year anniversary in 2015. I have been fortunate to be a part of Tippe Kennel from the start.
It all started in 1967 when my mother, Birte Lillian Steffensen, bought what was according to the ad, a German Shepherd in a small body. My mother’s parents had several German Shepherds when she was a child. In 1967 my parents lived in an apartment so of course a mini-German Shepherd was the dog for her! But Ravnegårds Apilak (Totte),of course, was not a mini-German Shepherd. He was the first Aussie in our home and a true great “big brother” to me. I was born in 1968 and I was practically born in a dog basket as Totte lay under my mother’s bed during my birth. I was introduced to him when I was 30 minutes old.
In 1973 we bought Ravnegårds Nefertite (Tippe) and named the kennel after her. She became a Danish champion and the mother of our very fine line of bitches. Our breeding was an unbroken line from 1973 to 1996 when my mother chose to put the breeding on hold for a while. She did this because during the 90’s she became a FCI show judge for all the terrier breeds. She was judging increasingly at international shows both in Denmark and abroad.
1981: Four generations in a kind of “progeny-obedience-class” of Aussies from Kennel Tippe, Denmark. From the left: Arne Sørensen with DKCH NLCH INTCH VV85 WA82 WA83 BDSG WA85 Tippes el Gordito, his litter-sister DKCH VV85 INTCH KBHV83 WA83 Tippes Esta Divina de Chica, my mother, Birte L Steffensen (founder of Kennel Tippe) with their mother: DKCH Tippes Blue Chica and me with my first dog, the mother of Chica: Tippes Bluegirl and her mother: Tippes Aisha.
Tippe’s first litter produced Aisha who was amazing at assessing people and a very sound and capable leader of our four generation pack of bitches living at home. She was also an incredible obedience dog, passing the Danish Kennel Club’s obedience classes I and II earning first place prizes. She also was the mother of my first dog, Bluegirl (Blubbe) who like her mother was an excellent obedience dog. She was our second generation to also pass the Danish Kennel Club’s obedience classes I and II. Blubbe was no show beauty but she produced Tippe Kennel’s first homebred Danish champion and our third generation in a straight line, DKCH Tippes Blue Chica.
1969 Totte and Vibeke
1974 Tippes Aisha and Vibeke
Møffe mothered our fifth generation giving me my second bitch, the red Tippes Lindeza Roja Divina (Jubii). Jubii was a very special dog for two reasons: she was the first Danish bred red Aussie to become a Danish champion and, in 1996 at the age of 12 years, she became the Best Aussie Bitch of the Year and the fourth Best Aussie of the Year in overall competition. She did this by being placed 1-4 in competition of Best of Breed at all of the shows she attended throughout the year!
Jubii’s red daughter, DKCH Tippes Princesa Roja Divina (Así), was our sixth generation at home and our fourth generation of champions in a row at home. She produced three litters and from her last litter in 1995 we kept Tippes Te Quiero Tanto Divina (Tante). She was the seventh generation and the last bitch we kept from our line of bitches, a straight line that led back to Tippe and 1973.
From the beginning, Tippe Kennels has been true to the classic Aussie type. From the third litter of DKCH Tippes Blue Chica and onwards, we have had at least one champion from every litter. In several litters there also have been dogs who passed various obedience classes in different countries. We never have had more than four bitches at home, one from each generation, and that makes the high number of Tippe champions even more remarkable.
1970-1971 Learning to Groom.
The very best, however, are all of the lovely responses from our puppy buyers that we have received over the years telling us what wonderful four-legged family members they have had for a number of years. Many former owners return to Tippe Kennels for their second dog or for another dog after losing their old Aussie. To me, this is proof of the high quality in our dogs and proof of the pride we take in choosing the best quality dogs for our breeding program. Since 1975 producing true Aussie-type, sound dogs with a serious breeding program remains the trademark of Tippe Kennels.
Our kennel marked the beginning of a new era in 2011 but I have the same requirements for good health as my mother and I take breeding equally serious. Therefore, the parents of my new line of bitches have been chosen very carefully. Both parents are of the same good type that has always been the trademark of Tippe Kennels: the classic Aussie. So these top-winning dogs, DKCH LUCH DECH DEVDHCH KLBCH INTCH Surely Nothing To Lose “Silja” and SECH NOCH DKCH INTCH Pariservikens Earth Boy “Gizmo” are the parents of my U-litter and my new rising stars.
1973 My little sister (aprox 8 months) and myself (5 years) with Totte (6) and Tippe Kennels stemmother Ravnegaard Nefertite Tip.
I grew up with Australian Terriers and I love the classic Aussie which is the basis for the standard in the FCI. It describes a rough and persevering little working terrier with a harsh, weather-proof coat. It adds that they are brave, courageous, independent and watchful little dogs being incredibly loving, playful and curious pets who love being with children, adults and other dogs.
All breeds evolve over time as they should, but in my opinion the Aussie has moved away from the original type of Aussie. I aim to steer the breed back in the direction of the classic Aussie. The Australian Terrier lives within my heart. They have always been a part of my life right from the day I was born. I am passionate about improving the quality of the breed I love. That is why the most important thing for me in my breeding program is that my bitches and males used for breeding are mentally and physically sound. The “wrapping” must be nice, but it is the inside of the dog that a family lives with.
My dogs here at Tippe Kennels are part of our family and they live inside the house with us. They cuddle next to us on the couch and share all aspects of our life. My litters grow up in the living room so they are acclimated to the sounds and noises of a “normal” family from the start. They are handled and played with by both children and adults on a daily basis and are with the other pets in our family. As soon as the puppies are old enough they go outside on discovery tours. This is a part of the socialization that is so important for the dog to be able to live among people as well as other animals.
After many years without puppies, Tippe Kennels is back in business and I will do my utmost to live up to the high quality Aussies that my mother was so well known for with her breeding program. Her motto was, “Tippe Aussies-obedient dogs with a great appearance!” I will continue her serious breeding program with my motto: Tippe Aussies: Healthy pet-dogs with a great appearance!
To View More Historical Photos Click Here
Tippe Kennels by/Vibeke R. Christensen, Brogaardsvej 3, DK-8362 Hørning,
Phone.: +45 87 68 00 02, Email: kennel.tippe@yahoo.com
Buyer Beware Written By Lynn Hahn
My goal in writing this story is to share information that will open Australian Terrier breeders’ eyes as to how their breeding methods affect the breed and the people who purchase their dogs. I hope my story influences the decisions a breeder makes when breeding a dog that has produced puppies with genetic problems. Perfection does not exist. Genetic imperfections will happen. It’s the action taken after the occurrence that matters. Those actions affect the breed and the individuals who purchase Australian Terrier puppies.
Prior to getting my Australian Terrier, Betty, I had some good and bad experiences with other dog breeds. My mother raised Collies for a short time when I was really young. She bred a small number of litters. All were healthy except one pup. He ironically lost an eye. That was a very long time ago but I believe it was not genetic but from an accident. My mother had the puppy’s eye removed then gave our one eyed pup, Sparky, to our paperboy. My experience with my mother’s Collies was very good.
As an adult I have owned a few different breeds. My first breed was a Cairn Terrier. I adopted her, in a manner of speaking. She was being abusively tossed back and forth like a football by a group of boys. I grabbed her and ran away with her. No one came back to claim her. She was wonderful. She was healthy, intelligent and loyal.
My son was only a year old when we purchased “the doggie in the window” for him. We saw our Border Collie mix at a pet store. My son fell in love with her so she went home with us. She too was healthy until late in life when she developed colon cancer.
Our next group of dogs was Yorkshire Terriers. We bought three of them over a three-year period. All of them had the same father but different mothers. All had health issues from bad breeding practices. Our youngest, Joe, topped out at two pounds. We lost him at seven years of age when his organs outgrew his body. Our second boy, Andy, was born with an oversized heart, liver issues, pegs instead of teeth and a very underdeveloped jaw. He was not expected to live past four but lived to be ten. We still have our oldest Yorkshire Terrier, Bob, who has mental issues. He is on the medication Reconcile.
When Joe passed our middle boy, Andy, was lost without him. He and Joe were inseparable. I wanted to get him another buddy. Our oldest Yorkshire, Bob, has no interest in other dogs. My husband wanted more Yorkshires. I did not. I was afraid of the health issues. We were at a festival one afternoon and saw a dog that resembled a Yorkshire. It was an Australian Terrier. My quest for finding an Australian Terrier began that day.
It was not easy finding a breeder. I went online looking. There was only one breeder I found close to my state. I called her. She is listed in Idaho but resides in Washington where I live as well. She was going to the airport in Seattle to deliver a puppy to a client. We agreed to meet at a mall close to the airport so I could see examples of her line of Australian Terriers.
I fell in love with the breed. Her dogs had lots of energy and were very loving. After I visited with her dogs we began talking about my time line in getting a dog. I was thinking of waiting about six months and was very clear about my need for a healthy dog. I shared that I have taken care of dogs born with health issues for the past 12 years. I needed a break. I wanted a sound puppy.
The breeder told me that was unfortunate because she had a little girl that needed a home. She said she had one eye that was smaller than the other making her difficult to sell. Her story touched my heart. I asked if the puppy’s eyesight was affected and if the size of the eye was all that was wrong. She said yes her eye is functional just smaller. She said the puppy has some discharge but she would outgrow that. The mother had another puppy with the same issues in another litter and the puppy outgrew the discharge problem. I agreed to travel to Spokane to meet her puppy.
The breeder brought Betty to the hotel where I was staying. It was love at first sight. I had to buy this sweet Australian Terrier. Getting a puppy is emotional for me. When I fall in love with a dog it is deep. My thinking gets a bit foggy. I saw that her eye was smaller than the other, which made me love her even more. She hugged me with her arms when I picked her up. It was clearly love at first sight for her too.
The breeder sold her for a discount due to her eye. The breeder pointed out the hand written comment on her contract,” Buyer recognizes this puppy has a smaller eye than normal right eye which may require extra care.” Since we had discussed her eye and she assured me it was not going to be a problem I was comfortable signing her contract. I did not fully read the contract before I signed it. Not a wise thing to do but I had no intentions of ever letting go of my new little girl.
After I got home with Betty I was concerned because the mucous in her eye was green and Betty was clearly in discomfort. I took her to my vet for her puppy check up. My vet thought she had entropion. She said it was possible she would outgrow it but we needed to keep an eye on it. My vet also said Betty may have patella issues but it would be easier to determine when she was older. Betty was 12 weeks old.
I called the breeder about the possibility of Betty having entropion. I told her how much pain Betty was in. She said Betty would outgrow it. She told me to just keep her comfortable until she did outgrow the condition. I asked her if Betty was in pain before I got her. She did not answer my question but again told me Betty would outgrow this condition.
Entropion is a medical condition where the eyelid, usually the lower one, folds inward and the eyelashes irritate the eye. It can be very painful as the eyelashes can actually rub against the cornea. The literature says it is usually caused by genetic factors and may be congenital.
Betty’s eye was causing her so much pain. She would tilt her head and shake it while walking. She kept her eye closed most of the time. I was constantly cleaning green mucous out of it. Watching such a sweet puppy in so much pain was wrenching. I went back to my vet. She said we should do surgery for the entropion. My vet was concerned her cornea could be damaged.
I contacted the breeder again. I told her Betty was in too much pain not to address this. The surgery was not invasive. A small section of her lower lid would be removed and the area sutured reshaping her lower lid so hair was not in her eye irritating it. Her lower lid folded inward. The breeder told me she would suggest waiting but to do what I needed to do.
I felt very alone with this situation. The breeder never called me to see how we were doing. She did answer my emails. She did talk to me on the phone when I called her. She was pleasant and expressed sorrow for my situation but did not reach out to help me. I struggled to believe the breeder was not aware of the pain Betty was in prior to selling her to me. I began to think perhaps she had not spent time with Betty. That would be the only way she would not be aware of Betty’s pain.
I went in and out of anger toward the breeder. I felt she had mislead me but then realized had she not mislead me I would not have Betty. I never would have come to see her. Then I would wonder what would have happened to Betty if I had not taken her. I went round and round in my brain trying to figure it out. I realize that was a waste of time but I was truly taken aback by the whole situation.
Betty had entropion surgery when she was four months old. Sadly, the surgery did not help her. She was still in horrible pain. My vet gave her some pain medicine but it did not seem to help. She dilated her eye to relieve the pain. That was very tough. I had to be careful when she went outside due to her eye being dilated. The dilation made her eye worse. I was feeling so helpless. I could not find a way to stop my little girl’s pain.
When we were at our second home in Wenatchee, Washington, I took her to our vet at that location. This was his first meeting with Betty. He was very alarmed by the amount of pain Betty’s eye was causing her. He wanted me to take her to Dr Sullivan, who is a specialist in Seattle, to assess her eye.
When we got back home I again took her to my vet. She also suggested that I see Dr Sullivan. He is a much respected animal eye specialist. Dr Sullivan took one look at her and said she has no moisture on the right side of her face. He told me to look at her nose. It was dry. He pointed out the asymmetrical condition on the right side of her face. It was sunken. He tested the moisture in her right eye. There was no moisture. He explained how much pain she was in. Can you imagine having sandpaper in your eye? He told me that was what she was feeling. Her diagnosis was Congenital Microphthalmos/Xerosis.
We talked about several options but Dr Sullivan said they all may lessen her pain but not take it away. All of the dogs he did alternative care on ended up having their eye removed. After removing their eye the dogs were free of pain and happy. I asked if that would be the best choice for Betty. He said if it were his dog he would remove her eye and let her be free of pain.
Dr Sullivan suggested an implant be placed to prevent the area from sinking and to help with healing. We paid the extra fee to include an implant.
I was taken aback when I picked Betty up after the surgery. Her eye was so swollen. I did not want to let her see how upset I was. She was very drugged up. When I got home I put her in her kennel, went into the bathroom, got in the shower and cried so hard I thought I would stop breathing. I was so in love with her. Seeing her like this broke my heart.
Betty was back to wearing her protective cone. She had worn a cone for three weeks after her first surgery. This time it would be six weeks. Betty was only five months old when she had her eye removed. Her life so far was nothing but pain. She remained so sweet. Even the doctors remarked on her amazing temperament.
The recovery was very difficult. She was use to being in pain so keeping her still was extremely hard. I’m sure it was just a different kind of pain for her. She became frightened of the dark and began barking out of fear. I’m sure not being able to see out of her right eye was disarming. She had always followed me around the house but now she could not be away from me without becoming highly distressed.
We did make it through the six weeks. Now it was time for her to be spayed so another surgery. She was six and a half months old when she was spayed, thus another two weeks in her cone. But it would be her last time in the cone. That is what I told her and myself so we could get through the two weeks. I told her all the wonderful things we would be doing. I’m sure she did not understand my words but she could feel my excitement and joy. She, too, got happy despite her discomfort.
Once Betty was able to become active her knee started to show signs of issues. Her right knee popped out several times when she was running hard making her cry from pain. I thought OH NO not another problem! She was able to get her knee back in place but was clearly in discomfort. I took her to my vet. She said if this kept happening it would be wise to see a specialist.
It was suggested by a vet in Las Vegas that Betty should be checked before considering agility. She had loose patella in both knees. I thought it was just her right knee but he made it clear that both knees were affected.
I was very upset. I sent the breeder an email. I told her about Betty’s knees. I told her it is genetic just like her eye. I told her to stop breeding Betty’s parents. The doctors all said the issues Betty had were genetic. They are problems her parents passed down to her. There was a chance another puppy would have to go through what Betty experienced and I wanted it to stop!
The breeder finally replied to my email telling me how terrible she feels about all Betty has gone through and continues to go through but her dogs have no knee issues. She has had some grade 1 dogs but it is acceptable to breed grade 1 dogs. She told me about the surgery that deepens the grove. She said it has a good success rate. She told me she did not know what to tell me to do. She did not even respond to my request to stop breeding Betty’s parents.
I went to another knee specialist and he too said surgery would be in Betty’s best interest. He graded her between a 1 and 2. I told him I had heard no surgery was needed unless the grade was a 3 or 4. He said since Betty has had symptoms she would most likely worsen. Intervening while she is young would be the best course of action to prevent future problems. I cried all the way home from our appointment.
So now I am researching MPL conditions and what choices are available to us. I will not rush into surgery because she is not in the pain she was with her eye. It was clear her eye needed to be removed. I have found a wonderful therapist and we are working on strengthening her rear to avoid surgery. To view her therapy session, click here. To watch her doing hydrotherapy click here.
We will not be able to do all the sports we wanted to do with her but will make the best of it. We found a sport called “NoseWork” that does not require jumping and fast running. She loves it. We also bought a new buddy for her to play with because my Yorkshire, Andy, passed away a few months ago. We knew his days were numbered because his condition was worsening so we got Betty a buddy before Andy passed.
Betty’s new buddy is a Norfolk Terrier named Beau. When looking for Beau I did not make the same mistakes I did when finding my Australian Terrier Betty. The breeder was honest. She supplied a health guarantee and she spent time picking out the right puppy for our Miss Betty. We met the father and got the puppy from her home. She took lots of time teaching me about the breed and my new puppy. I read the full contract before I signed it. It was a wonderful experience and Beau is healthy without genetic issues. It can be done!
Mistakes happen in breeding but to perpetuate them is horrendous. It affects the breed and the people who purchase the dogs. Breeders should be honest with people who are interested in their puppies with issues. Then those who cannot afford the expenses can decline the puppy and those who can afford and want to take care of the puppy’s issues can do so with open eyes. It is very hard to bring a puppy back to exchange it for another puppy regardless of the health issues.
I wish I was the only one with a sad tale to share but I’m not. Please open your eyes and hearts. Do your best to improve the Australian Terrier breed. Be honest with the health of your puppies. Do health tests. Support and educate those who purchase your puppies. Getting a puppy is an emotional situation. Many, me included, see that puppy, fall in love and fail to truly read what they are signing. Do not take advantage of that. This is an amazing breed. Do your best to keep this wonderful breed, the Australian Terrier, something we can all be proud of.
The Passing Of Judy Stallings, Co-Founder Of ATI
Written By Pamela Levy
Judy Stallings
December 21, 1942 – March 8, 2012
On March 7th, I received an upsetting phone call that Judy’s two dogs Lida Rose and Diamond Dust “Dusty” had been placed in a kennel. Judy had lapsed into a coma as a result of her struggles with cancer. I was contacted, as a note had been left, that I was the responsible party. I caught the earliest flight once I secured care for my dogs, and was in Arizona at 11:44pm. Judy passed away at 11:35pm.
Her husband and my dear friend and mentor, Tom, had passed away on February 2, 2008. Just days after his passing Judy went in for testing and learned she also had cancer. She fought it bravely for 4 years. My heart is heavy as are so many hearts of all the friends they loved over their years both in Aussies and obedience.
Judy was instrumental in the formation of ATI. Her words of encouragement and her desire to be a co-founder were “the wind beneath our wings.” The loss of Judy and Tom leave a huge hole in my heart that can only be filled with my wonderful loving memories.
Phil Benway (Tom Stallings dear friend) went over to groom Lida Rose
for over 2 hours in her new home.
wonderful Whiteman family!
Lida Rose now lives with the wonderful Whiteman family who also own Tom and Judy’s dog Hooty. They could not have been more helpful to me personally during this difficult time. I can never thank them enough and know Judy and Tom smile down on them for their love and generosity.
Dusty and I make a stop on our way back to Aspen from Arizona.
Dusty was with me for a month and is now with Scott Pruter and is sharing her life with their two Aussies. I thank Scott and Carol Harriman so much for opening their hearts and home, as well.
Blue coloration is common across animal breeds. Horses, dogs and cats may all be born blue (gray). The blue (or gray) is caused by a dilute gene that masks the appearance of the base coat color. A palomino horse (blonde, with white mane and tail) is really a sorrel (red/brown) with a gene that masks the color. A gray can be black or chestnut with dilute genes masking the color.
In dogs, notable examples are the Weimaraner, brown dogs with the dilute gene, and various Doberman colors, blue, fawn and Isabella. The gene itself is a mutation that is responsible for transporting and fixing melanin-containing cells. This mutation is recessive, so two copies are necessary to cause the dilute coat color. Black, brown and yellow dogs may all be affected by the mutation. Black or brown dogs carrying the double dilute gene may appear blue, grey or buff; yellowdogs may appear cream or white.
The chart below shows the mode of inheritance of the dilute color.
The dog carries two copies of the dominant “D” allele. The dogwill express a normal, non-dilute coat color and will always pass
on a copy of the “D” allele to all offspring.
Both the dominant and recessive alleles detected. The dog will have a normal, non-dilute coat and is a carrier of the dilute coat color. The dog
can pass on either allele on to any offspring.
The dog has two copies of the recessive “d” allele and will have a dilute colored coat. He will always pass on a copy of the dilute allele to any offspring.
Accordingly, dogs with normal coat color can produce pups with normal or dilute color (if they carry the recessive “d” and are bred to a partner that also carries the “d”). Blue dogs can produce blue coat color if bred to partners that are blue also (dd) or that are normally colored but carry the recessive dilute (Dd). Two blue dogs bred together can only produce blue coloration (dd).
Unfortunately, there is also a connection between the blue color and Color Dilution Alopecia, a hereditary skin disease. CDA initially causes a dry, dull hair coat, withhair loss following. The disease is found in several breeds of dogs that have blue or fawn colored mutations. The highest incidence is in the blue Doberman Pinscher (93%) and fawn Irish Setter (73%). Other breeds in which color dilution alopecia has been observed include Miniature Schnauzer, Dachshund, Chow Chow, Poodle, Great Dane, Whippet, Yorkshire Terrier, Chihuahua, Italian Greyhound, Saluki and Newfoundland.
The dark grey puppy, “Koko.”
The bright grey puppy, “Kathinka.”
Reprinted with permission from Cher Hildebrand, Goldenray Yorkies.
This article was printed in The Yorkshire Terrier Magazine © 1999.
Genetics Chocolate Yorkies * Red * Golden * Blue Borns
The Yorkshire Terrier is genetically a Black/Tan (B/T) dog that turns blue later in life. The blue color is created at another loci by the GG or Gg genes. Whenever you have a dog born one color that turns blue later in life, it is the GG or Gg genes that cause this to happen.
Recently I received a call from someone asking about the Yorkie blue born puppies. That was a real blast from the past. I had not heard of anyone having blue born puppies in some years. When a dog is born blue it is different genes that effect the GG genes. The dd gene is what causes this at birth and the Yorkshire Terrier should only be carrying the DD. A blue born puppy will also have self colored pigment, such as blue nose. The DD gene is what allows them to be born Black/Tan. The upper case always means dominant and the lower case always means recessive. This is obviously a deep buried recessive that the animals are carrying that they have passed onto the resulting puppies. The breeds that are born blue are born with the dd gene, but in Yorkshire Terriers this should not be the situation to cause the blue coloring.
Unfortunately with blue born puppies the situation is usually fatal. Very few live beyond the 1st few days. The ones that do survive almost always at the time they would normally break blue, lose all their blue body coat and get a very leathery skin that is like an elephant hide and causes the dog to be in extreme pain. At that time the dog has to be humanely put down. I have heard of a couple that have lived a normal life, but I think there are very few that do. Do not be tempted to raise one of these as you are opening yourself to heartbreak, let alone what the dog will go through later in life.
The red or chocolates are affected by the bb genes. The red or chocolates or referred to as liver in some breeds will also have self colored pigment, such as red, chocolate or liver nose. They should only be carrying the dominant BB genes. I have not heard of health problems with the red/chocolate born puppies, like with the blue born puppies. Yet most of these situations occur with backyard breeders and puppy mills and they are not likely to share the history of problems with the show breeders. Once again this is a recessive being passed on to the puppies from the parents. This breeding should definitely not be repeated.
Blue born puppies and red/chocolate born puppies are not acceptable colors in the breed. They should only be born Black/Tan and later turn to a dark steel blue. The blue born puppies and red/chocolate born puppies are recessive colors being passed to the progeny and a repeat breeding should never occur. Puppies of these colors should not be sold as rare colors. Yes hopefully it is very rare to get them, but these are totally unacceptable colors and it’s not so much that they are rare, as that they are not true representatives of the breed. Do not be misled by unscrupulous breeders about these dogs. Makes one wonder if there is more in the background of these dogs. There is a backyard breeder in my area that has produced red born puppies and solid black born puppies in one litter. I have to assume that she does not really have a purebred to have this happen. Another backyard breeder south of me sells her solid black ones as rare teddy bears. One new owner was sent to me by her vet because he told her the dog was definitely part black Poodle. When I saw the dog, there was no question that it was at least half Poodle. Actually it looked nothing like a Yorkshire Terrier but entirely like a Poodle. She had all intentions of breeding this dog herself and had enough sense not to give me the AKC registration number for me to report it.
As concerned breeders we would only want to breed dogs that are producing the only acceptable color of the breed which is a Black/Tan puppy that as an adult dog will be blue and gold. As an owner or potential owner of one you should only want the blue and gold, because that is the Yorkshire Terrier. Any other color really makes it something other than this breed. As a breeder, you should not knowingly breed a dog that is producing such a known defect. The breed could shortly become other than what it is. For instance, the tri colors that are produced in some of Europe. This is not what a Yorkie should be. If you want a tri color dog then get a breed that should produce tri colors.
The standard laid down by the YTCA is very specific about them. It states the puppy should be born Black/Tan and change color to a Blue/Tan dog later in life. Nowhere is it written that the dog should be born any other color than Black/Tan. Standards are written to protect our breeds. The blue born is a perfect example of why. The health problems associated with this color make it critical that we stick to the color the breed is suppose to be, which means being born Black/Tan and later changing to a Blue/Tan dog.
Yorkie Color Dilution Alopecia – CDA Alopecia is the term for hair loss and is part of the problem with dilute coat colors, most especially the blue coloring and is a known inherited disease in dogs. This condition could affect any dilute color of dog if they are carrying the genes. The disease is also known as Blue Born Puppies in this breed, and in other breeds has been known as Blue Balding Syndrome or Blue Doberman Syndrome so even more information can be found under those names. These dogs as a rule have red noses or blue noses also. CDA has been seen in a great many other breeds of dogs. Dilute dogs carry recessive genes of dd and are seen with blue or flesh colored noses, lips and eye rims. The coat colors may include blue or fawn variation of these different colors.
To read the article at Goldenray Yorkies website CLICK HERE
Australian Terrier International Named One of
Aspen, CO- March 20, 2012
Australian Terrier International (ATI) a provider of dog care information, has received the 2011 All Star Award from Constant Contact®, Inc., the trusted marketing advisor to more than half a million small organizations worldwide. Each year a select group of Constant Contact customers are honored with the All Star Award for their exemplary marketing results. ATI’s results ranked among the top 10% of Constant Contact’s customer base.
The Mission of ATI:
“There is nothing we like more than to see our customers finding success. It’s the reason Constant Contact was founded, and it’s a thrill to see the fantastic results that our All Stars are achieving,” said Gail Goodman, CEO of Constant Contact. “This group is really leading the charge when it comes to delivering relevant, engaging content that drives real business results. We salute this year’s All Stars for their success, and are honored to have played a part in their achievements.”
*Opening this in Safari alters the color of this image and makes it black.
I was contacted over a year ago by Tammy as she was interested in learning how to groom an Aussie for a competition. We made a few attempts to get together but never followed through. This year she wanted to enter an Aussie in the June competition. She wanted to visit me and have me teach her how to groom an Aussie.
Debbie Miller has been involved with Australian Terriers for many, many years. After losing her Miss Marta to a heart condition, she started to look for a rescue dog. What she found on Petfinders.com really upset her. She found many dogs listed as Aussies and mixed breeds that looked alarmingly like Aussies and wondered why they weren’t in loving homes. She contacted ATI.
ATI is frequently contacted by people looking for Aussie rescues and although we always tell them to first check with Australian Terrier Rescue, there are not always rescues available. Debbie has put together a list that is now on ATI’s web site. She updates this site weekly. The rescues are listed by state.
We do not know anything about these dogs other than what their page says on Petfinders. They may indeed just look like Aussies and not be Aussies. We have no idea about temperament or health.
However, one dog labeled as a Cairn and looking very much like an Aussie, has a story that says its owner died of cancer and the dog was put in a high kill shelter.
To view these rescues click here
Pat Hastings And The Rule Of Sevens
By the time a puppy is 7 weeks old it should have:
Been on 7 different surfaces, such as: carpet, concrete, wood, vinyl, grass, dirt, gravel, wood chips, newspaper, etc.
“Miles” Bustamante
Played with 7 different types of objects, such as: big balls, small balls, soft fabric toys, fuzzy balls, squeaky toys, metal items, wooden items, paper/cardboard items, milk/soda jugs, etc.
Been in 7 different locations, including: front yard, backyard, basement, kitchen, car, garage, laundry room, bathroom, crate, kennel, etc.
Been exposed to 7 challenges, such as: climbed a box, climbed off a box, gone through a tunnel, climbed up steps, climbed down steps, climbed over obstacles, played hide and seek, gone in and out of a doorway with a step, etc.
Eaten from 7 different containers: metal, plastic, cardboard, paper, china, pie plate, frying pan, etc.
Eaten in 7 different locations: crate, yard, kitchen, basement, laundry room, bedroom, x-pen, etc.
Met and played with 7 new people, including children and the elderly.
Photo Courtesy Of Terhi Oksanen
Now, common sense dictates that you shouldn’t make your five-week old puppy eat alone in the back yard if it’s January and you live in Maine. And I don’t know about you, but I’m not sure I’ll let my next litter learn about “real food” from dining on my best china. However, Hastings’ point is that early socialization is important. Many larger breeds leave for their new homes at about eight weeks of age, while those of us with Norfolks tend to place our puppies several weeks later. In any case, early socialization, which includes stimulation from a variety of sources, can go a long way toward producing an outgoing, confident adult.
We Love Books
“I Am an Australian Terrier” by Theresa A. Goiffon.
To Purchase Click Here
Book Review by Dianne Wall
If I were asked to make a list of my favorite things, it would be difficult keeping track of all that I love. However, there are two things that I know would be high on that list: books and Australian Terriers. So when I learned that one of our ATI founders, Theresa Goiffon, published a children’s book about Australian Terriers, I was eager to be one of the first in line for a copy. Theresa is no stranger to our ATI family so it is no surprise that she found inspiration for her book literally right under her feet. She gives us a look into the life and character of our beloved Australian Terriers by showcasing her own pack of Aussies. According to Theresa, I Am an Australian Terrier is the first in a series of picture books targeted toward children. Using simple, poetic prose Theresa gives the reader not only an accurate description of Australian Terriers but a look into the world in which they live. While her charming book is targeted toward a young audience, it is a joy for anyone of any age to read. Those of us who share our lives with Australian Terriers will get extra enjoyment recognizing the antics of our own dogs in the pages of this book. This little book is beautifully illustrated with Theresa’s own photographs of her dogs and puppies proving that she is equally as talented as a photographer as she is an author. Perhaps the best review of all came from my three year old niece, Sophia. She loves the pictures so much that she doesn’t want to be read to; she just wants to see the pictures over and over again! I think we Aussie lovers can understand that, too. I Am an Australian Terrier is now available through the ATI website by clicking above. Theresa will donate a portion from the sale of each book to ATI, which in turn uses its funds to support the CHF. |
We Love These Toys
Fun to throw for your Aussie but avoid a game of tug-of-war with it. It is house and tooth friendly and packs easily for a walk or a vacation. |
We Love These Apps
MapMyDOGWALKThis free app for iPhone users allows you to keep track of just where and how far you and your Aussie have gone. It uses your iPhone’s GPS function to track your route in real time while also displaying your distance, pace, speed and elevation. |
Love Is Education
Get Dog Food Recall Alerts by EmailGet dog food recall alerts delivered right to your Inbox the moment we become aware of them. Subscribe to The Dog Food Advisor’s Dog Food Recall Alert email notification list now. Click here
Alternate Dog Treats – Healthy Options Made Easy
Whether your veterinarian has advised you to put your dog on diet, or you happen to have a dog with specific food allergies, finding healthier treat options doesn’t have to be difficult. In fact, it can be as easy as simply opening the produce drawer in your refrigerator. Need some suggestions? Try these veterinarian-recommended goodies that are tasty and safe for your pet.
Getting Started
Fresh fruit and raw vegetables are a healthy treat option for dogs; there aren’t any added chemicals, artificial flavors or coloring and your pet benefits from the extra vitamins and minerals.
However, just like kids, dogs can be picky eaters. You may discover that while one particular fruit or vegetable suits your pet’s palate, another may have him disdainfully turning his nose away.
Don’t bombard your dog with an assortment of fresh goodies when first introducing a new food group; start by treating your dog to one particular fruit or vegetable at a time for a few days. By doing so, you can pinpoint whether or not the treat du jour is causing an upset stomach or diarrhea.
It’s important not to feed your dog toxic fruit or vegetables, warns Dr. Tony Buffington, a diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Nutrition. Buffington has a PhD in animal nutrition, was a resident clinical nutritionist at the Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital at UC Davis, and has been a professor of veterinary clinical sciences at Ohio State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine since 1987.
“With regard to alternative treats, we recommend small amounts of fruits and veggies all the time,” advises Buffington.
Before stocking your fridge, take note of which fruits and vegetables are safe to feed your dog.
Safe Fruits to Feed Dogs
With the exception of citric fruits, which may upset your dog’s stomach, most fruits are safe to feed to your pet. Importantly, never feed your pet a whole fruit with a pit or seeds intact. The pit is a choking hazard, and seeds can lead to gastric issues and be a choking hazard as well. Clean the fruit, then slice it in pieces and give to your pet as a treat.
Fruits to Avoid Feeding Your Dog
Fruits to avoid feeding your dog include grapes and raisins, peaches, plums and persimmons.
The specific problem with persimmons, peaches, and plums are the seeds or pits. The seeds from persimmons can cause inflammation of the small intestine in dogs. They can also cause intestinal obstruction, a good possibility if a dog eats the pit from a peach or plum. Plus, peach and plum pits contain cyanide, which is poisonous to both humans and dogs should the pit be broken open and consumed.
According to Pet Poison Helpline, grapes and raisins have been known to cause acute renal (kidney) failure in dogs. With kidney failure, a pet’s ability to produce urine decreases, which means they are unable to filter toxins out of their system. Unfortunately, the reason for kidney failure and the amount of grapes/raisins necessary to be toxic to pets is unknown, so all cases of ingestion have the potential to be grave. Depending on the size of the dog, as little as four grapes/raisins can have an adverse effect on your fuzzy friend.
Safe Vegetables to Feed Your Dog
Your dog may have his own preferences when it comes to vegetables, so don’t be deterred if he abandons your first veggie snack on the floor. Try some of these more savory vegetables:
Keep in mind that cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli may cause gas in your dog. Try feeding your dog sliced pieces of the cauliflower and broccoli stems rather than a floret; not only will the stem satisfy your dog’s crunchy craving, but he may appreciate not having to deal with the tiny floral buds that become lodged in his teeth or tickle his throat.
Vegetables to Avoid Feeding Your Dog
There are a few vegetables to avoid feeding your dog at all times. Onions, garlic, wild mushrooms and rhubarb can be extremely toxic to your pet.
Onions contain an ingredient called thiosulphate which is toxic to cats and dogs. The ingestion of onions, onion powder, or even cooked onion causes a condition called hemolytic anemia, which is characterized by damage to the red blood cells. In other words, onion toxicity can cause the red blood cells circulating through your pet’s body to burst. A small amount can be toxic to your dog or cat.
Wild mushrooms – which may be found growing in your backyard or on the nature trail where you walk your dog – contain toxins that will trigger numerous organ systems, including the kidneys, liver and brain. Nervous system abnormalities, seizures, coma, vomiting, and death can all result when a dog consumes mushrooms.
Rhubarb contains oxalates which trigger abnormalities with the nervous system, kidneys and digestive tract. The vegetable is also commonly used in recipes for pies, jams, jellies, sauces and juice.
Smart Choices for a Healthy Pet
It’s important that you be aware of your dog’s unique dietary needs in order to ensure his lifelong health. Make smart choices about feeding treats to your pets, recommends Buffington.
“From a nutritional point of view, we don’t recommend feeding so much that the treats make any significant contribution to the pet’s nutrient intake, or dilute or imbalance their regular diet. We also remind owners that there are plenty of non-food treats from their pet’s point of view; play treats, walk treats, ‘teach me a trick’ treats, grooming treats,” says Buffington. “All of these contribute to a positive human-animal relationship without adding calories.”
If you are unsure of which alternate treat to feed your pet, discuss your concerns with your family veterinarian before introducing a new type of food to your dog.
Reprinted from VIP Pet Insurance to read the article Click here |
Dog Vacay
Recently we learned of a new company for vacationing dog owners who need to board their dogs and for dog lovers who would be happy to dog sit for others and make a little money.
Their website states, “Dog Vacay allows you to find a real home to board your dog. It’s better than a kennel where your dog may be in a cage all day. Home boarding gives your dog individual attention, fun with a small number of well-socialized dogs, and supervision from a responsible pet owner at a price that doesn’t add up to more than your vacation.”
I think this is an interesting concept and could be very useful if you can find the right pet sitter for your Aussie(s). The rates start at $15/night.
If using this site for dog care make sure you read the About Me section and check their credentials. Also make sure you request and call their references. Many of these people have dogs so you will want to make sure your dog gets along with other dogs. Not all the dog sitters have fenced backyards so you may want to confirm that, as well. You may also want to make sure they are capable of giving medications if necessary and if they have taken any CPR classes for dogs etc. No one at ATI has tried them yet and we are letting you know what is “new” but can not make a recommendation at this time.
Food Recalls
FDA inspectors probe pet jerky treats in China.
By JoNel Aleccia
Federal health officials have sent inspectors into Chinese plants that make chicken jerky pet treats, to investigate potential links to illnesses and deaths in hundreds of dogs in the United States, two lawmakers say. Staffers for Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, and Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, confirmed Wednesday that Food and Drug Administration officials were conducting the inspections.
“Based on our ongoing discussions with the FDA, we are expecting important new information soon,” Vic Edgerton, a spokesman for Kucinich said in an email to msnbc.com.
It’s not clear exactly how many inspectors are involved or which plants the officials will visit as they attempt to solve the mystery behind at least 600 reports of illnesses including abrupt kidney failure after dogs have been fed chicken jerky treats made in China.
FDA officials declined to comment on the inspections.
CHIC Testing In The USA
To learn more about CHIC testing please click on the link below. Australian Terriers are a CHIC tested breed. Australian Terrier Tests
CHIC Goals
CHIC Benefits
Once in place and accepted within the dog breeding community, the CHIC program offers benefits to breeders, buyers, parent clubs, and researchers.
Canine Health Information Center | 2300 E. Nifong, Columbia, MO 65201-3806 T 573-442-0418 FAX 573-875-5073 | contact © 2009 Orthopedic Foundation for Animals and Canine Health Information Center. |
Bark Out
Once more the ATI Newsletter was very nice and well done. As usual I learned a lot. The article about Blue Dogs was very special. Had you ever heard about that before?
Congratulations once more for all the articles and the very nice photos. You are doing a great job. Marie-Francis Petry, Belgium Thank You, Marie-Francis. You always brighten our day with your warm comments. No one at ATI had ever heard about the “blue gene” before. We asked several “old time” breeders in many countries and no one we contacted, nor that the breeder contacted, had ever heard of it before.
Renew Or Join ATI |
Pamela C. Levy
Australian Terrier International Privacy is important to us; therefore, we will not sell, rent, share or give your name or address to anyone. At any point, you can select the link at the bottom of every email to unsubscribe. Please note if you do not want to receive our emails, we do not want to bother you with them. Again, feel free to email us to be removed from the email list or unsubscribe using the link below. Thank you so much.
Fun Photos
Junior Showmanship
Breeder List
ATI does not endorse any breeder or guarantee
any puppy or dog. For more details about the Aussie or litter’s available, please click on the link that states “available”.
Vivien Gilli
Website: Jovi’s Australian Terriers
Available: Not at this time
West Coast
Sue Bachman
Available: Not at this time
Breeder: Pamela Levy
Website: Arista Australian Terriers
Available:Puppies Due October 2016
Breeder: Jim and Cheryl Mechalke
Website: Araluen Aussies
Available: Not at this time
Breeder: Elaine Strid
Website: Red Sky Australian Terriers
Available: 6 month old Blue/tan
female Aug 2016
Breeder: Heather Rife, DVM
Email: vethrife@yahoo.com
Available: Not at this time
Breeder: Kim Floyd
Website: Johnmanda Australian Terriers
Available: Litter planned Spring 2014
South Carolina
Breeder: Janet Maas
Website: Akiba Australian Terriers
Available:Litter Due April 2014
Two litters planned Summer/Fall 2014
Breeders: Sue Holsinger and Jason Duncan
Redwing Australian Terriers
Website: www.aussieterrier.com
Available: Litter Planned Summer 2014
Breeder: Sabine Baker
Available: Not at this time
Breeder: Pamela Levy
Website: Arista Australian Terriers
Available:Puppies Due October 2016
Breeder: Marge Reigner
Website: Crestwood Australian Terriers
New South Wales
Website: Laspamas Kennels
Available: Not at this time
Breeder: Marie-Francis Petry
Website: Heirs of Oz Australian Terriers
Available: Not at this time
Breeder: Caren Holtby
Website: www.tidewalker.ca
Available: Not at this time
Breeder: Jorgen Groelund
Website: www.blueayers.dk
Available: Puppies Available
Breeder: Irene Thye
Website: Kisamba Australske Terrier
Available: 2016
Breeder: Terhi Oksanen
Website: http://www.terhierin.com
Available:Puppies planned in 2014
Breeder: Tanya Ahlman-Stockmari
Website: www.stockmari.fi
Available: Not at this time
Breeder: Tina Krabbe
Website: Von der Krabbenschmiede
Available: Puppies planned Spring 2014
Breeder: Brenda Brown
Website: Ralindi Aussies
Available: Not at this time
Breeder: Carin Sandahl
Website: Twee-Dle-Dee Australisk Terriers
Available: Not at this time
United Kingdom
Breeder: Brenda Brown
Website: Ralindi Aussies
Available: Not at this time
Chris Foskett
ATI Feature Family from the UK Chris Foskett and Wilfnbell Australian Terriers
My kennel name comes from Wilf (my old Springer Spaniel) and Bell. It is a joint affix with my best friend Karen Tyrrell who used to show Dobermans and Borders in her younger days and came back into showing with Lottie, Belle’s daughter I am extremely lucky because another friend who is like a daughter to me is Felicity Freer, an incredibly talented handler and groomer, who also has a great reputation for training Junior Handlers. We are quite a team, not always a winning, but we have fun and a lot of laughter.
My foundation bitch came from Miss Lynn Bell, “Belyndi Liberty Bell,” my gorgeous irreplaceable Belle. She has Anglo/American breeding and her mum, Shastakin Bell for Belyndi, was bred by Esther Krom from New Jersey and was imported by Lynn Bell.
I met Lynn via work; my job at the time involved working with various schools in the area and Lynn, who works for Southern Electric, was running energy efficient courses teaching the teachers about energy conservation, etc. She asked if it was possible for her to let her dog out for a little walk in the car park of the school I was based in, as it was during the holidays. I said, “Yes of course” and I met Toohey her male Aussie. It was love at first sight. He was an amazing boy, a beautiful red male with attitude and temperament to match. She said she showed dogs and I said I had always wanted to do that. Lynn told me that she was importing a bitch from America to mate to Toohey and I said I would love a puppy to show. That was in 1998. The rest is history.
Lynn did me a great honour by allowing me to have the best bitch from that litter.
In return I thought it was only right to breed her. From that breeding I had four pups, 3 girls and one boy, and everyone who knows me knows what a day that was. On the day that my first litter was born Karen was in a meeting at work and was ordered home by me!
She had to go to her boss and say there was a family emergency!!! Lynn was in meetings all day and kept having frantic messages from me! Brian, my husband, is a driving instructor and ended up bringing a pupil to the house to be met by this hysterical female running around with green slime on her hands and swearing never again ever. But I did and 3 ½ years later Lottie (Belle’s daughter) gave me 6 pups. Their sire was Shastakin Blaze of Glory for Belyndi; he is a super blue and tan. I had 5 girls and one boy, 3 blue and tans, 3 reds.
Lula, one of my blue and tan bitches, went to Belgium and in turn was mated with a German red Aussie called Dustin Vom Struthwold.
From this mating I have back a lovely red boy called Wade. Misty, another red bitch, went to the Jackson family to be shown by their daughter, Laura, and I kept Christy. Why I will never know. What a madam and a natural born killer she is; nothing is safe in our back garden. If it breathes it is fair game to her.
Not content with letting me have Belle, Lynn also gave me Belyndi the Wild Card (Vegas), an absolutely lovely blue and tan male.
He lived with Karen and had day care with the girls and me. I remember when he was 5 weeks old he tried to mount Belle. I am very proud of Vegas. He is our first Champion. One of the CC’s (Challenge Certificates) was awarded by Sue McCourt at her first ever CC judging appointment for Aussies in South Wales. When he was just over a year old Ferelith Somerfield gave him the Reserve CC at Crufts. These two awards have meant a lot to Karen and me. Vegas is a son of Shastakin Blaze of Glory for Belyndi and Belle’s sister Dollar.
Apart from showing, the Aussies are great companions, fun to be with, adaptable and very much the centre of our family life.
Andy, my son, and his partner, Maria, have Christy come for sleepovers; she also goes down to the yard to see Serenity, Maria’s pony. She loves running around the yard and meeting everyone. Often I will walk with Maria when she rides Serenity just to keep her company and it causes a lot of amusement with these 4 dogs trailing behind this pony, and Serenity will stop and wait for them to catch up. I love the breed because they just get on with life. Where I walk them there are cows and ponies roaming, but the dogs never bother with them, never bark or interfere in any way and for terriers I think that is great. There are loads of things I could tell you, for instance, Lottie is one of the cleverest dogs I have ever met. She has definitely been here before, and my lovely Lady (Lottie’s sister) who died of cancer last year …but it would take too long.
Chris Foskett
Brenda Brown
Honoring Brenda Brown of Ralindi Kennels
I have just learned that ATI has bestowed upon me the award of Lifetime Member.
I am HUGELY honoured to accept.
I must be honest – this honour makes me feel truly humble.
I have always done my absolute best to promote the Australian Terrier, the breed that completely stole my heart as a teenager and that has given me so much pleasure for so many years.
May I say a huge “Thank You” for honouring me in such a fantastic way.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish ATI every success in the future and to Australian Terriers owners all over the world – have the most wonderful time with the best breed in the world! Brenda Brown, Ralindi Kennels
An Interview With Brenda Brown By Pamela Levy
Brenda Brown
This month ATI welcomes Brenda Brown as the first Lifetime member from the United Kingdom.
We want to congratulate you (Brenda) and thank you for your years of dedication to the breed.
The Kennel name Ralindi is behind many top winning UK and International dogs.
How did you get involved or started with Australian Terriers?
I first met Aussies in 1965 at my cousin, Keith McIntosh’s, home in North Wales. We were both teenagers at that time but, like me, Keith had been brought up in a small dog showing/breeding kennel. His parents showed Cairn Terriers but Keith decided Aussies were the breed for him.
Why did you choose Aussies at that time?
I was brought up with German Shepherd Dogs. My parents showed, judged and occasionally bred GSDs and I have been involved in showing dogs all my life. I went to my first dog show at the age of 6 weeks! When I met Aussies for the first time in 1965 I thought they were the most fun-loving dogs I had ever seen – I absolutely adored them for that!
Ch. Ralindi The Executor Photo: Lorna Brown
How many years have you shown Aussies?
I have shown Aussies since 1970 – I was young then!!!!! I went to a few Ch shows where Aussies were being shown in the mid – late 1960s and, through Keith, I got to know some of the Aussie exhibitors and their dogs fairly well.
How many years have you been breeding Aussies?
I bred my first litter in April 1971.
How many litters have you bred?
I have bred 26 litters in the past 40 years producing about 90 puppies in total. No-one can ever say I flooded the market!!!
Do you know how many champions you have produced?
Ralindi has campaigned 8 Aussies to their UK Championship titles – no mean feat in this country – and we also bred 1 Swedish Ch Australian Terrier bitch. Ralindi owned the top-winning Aussie bitch of all time in the breed in the UK and she held that record for 14 years, until 1999.
Ch. Future Vision Of Ralindi
Do you enjoy mentoring other people in the breed?
Yes, I do! – But nowadays, only if I am asked. In previous years I would happily give advice and, I’m delighted to say, my advice was always greatly appreciated.
Have you mentored anyone from another country?
No, but I am more than happy to answer anyone’s questions from anywhere in the world! I have been on International Aussie Forums over the years and I have contributed to them. Nowadays, it’s much, much easier to communicate with people from overseas by email, Facebook, etc than it ever was in previous years.
Who were the people who mentored YOU in the breed?
My mentors in the breed when I started were my cousin Keith McIntosh (Trailblazer) and Rene Sanderson (Spenmoss). Both helped and encouraged me enormously. Joan Garlick (Tippon) was also very helpful.
How old was your daughter, Lorna, when she got involved with Aussies?
Lorna came home to the Ralindi Australian Terriers as a new-born baby, so she has been involved with the breed all her life. She will be 29 years old in early July of this year so, basically, she has been involved with Aussies for almost 29 years. That’s much longer than most people in Aussies in the UK at present!
What is that like sharing a passion with your daughter?
It’s wonderful! We have many discussions about Aussies. My daughter Lorna is just one of only 2-3 young people under the age of 40, who is directly involved in Australian Terriers in the UK at the present time. That is a fact that truly concerns me. The future of our wonderful breed here in the UK is in great danger as young people are simply not coming into the breed. That, sadly, applies to many of the terrier breeds here in the UK at present.
Ch. Ralindi Islay Mist Photo: Diane Pearce
Do you breed together?
Lorna also owns the Ralindi affix but in a “separate interest” from me. The term separate interest means both Lorna and I can breed a litter of Aussies – or any other breed – and register all the puppies with the Ralindi kennel name at The Kennel Club.
Do you always agree on what dogs to keep and which dogs to place out of a litter?
Yes, we do! We also find when we see other people’s litters of Aussies, we choose precisely the same puppy.
What do you look for in the bitch to make her worthy of your breeding program?
She must possess true breed type.
What do you look for in the stud dog to make him worthy of your breeding program?
Again, breed type is of paramount importance. I was always taught by my mentors and the old-time breeders that without true breed type you had nothing!
What have been your proudest moments in the breed?
When I won my first-ever CC in the breed in 1977. I was hugely proud of the times I owned the Top Australian Terrier in the UK in various years. As to judging I am proud to have judged Aussies at National Terrier, the ATCGB Ch show, Crufts in 1996 and The Australian Terrier Club of New South Wales in 1994 – I was hugely proud of that invitation! To have an appointment to judge my chosen breed in its homeland was an honour I shall treasure for the rest of my life! No other Australian Terrier breed specialist from the UK had ever judged our breed at a Breed Club/Speciality Ch show in Australia, either before or since. I must also say I am very proud of the fact I have been made a Lifetime Member of the ATI – what an honour!
The two Aussies with me in the picture from Australia were my top winning dog and bitch at the ATCNSW CH show on 3 April 1994.
How did you learn to groom?
Initially from my cousin Keith McIntosh who taught me how to hand strip, something that was totally new to me. In later years Pat Connor of the world-famous Tinee Town Kennel in Australia stayed with us for a good few days and she gave Bill and me a personal “Master Class” in how to present an Aussie for the showring. Nowadays of course we have Aussies with full tails, so that became a new challenge. When trimming I prefer to leave a small amount of hair on the tail as I feel that is more in balance with the body coat rather than have the tail looking like a pipe cleaner.
Have you exported Aussies? If so, to what countries?
Yes, I have. I sent a four-month old red bitch to Sweden who became a Swedish Ch and one of her daughters became the foundation bitch for Tina Nordgren’s Nellyson kennel in Sweden. I have also sent a bitch to Germany and a dog and a bitch to the south of France but I knew none of them would be shown, their owners wanted them purely as companions.
Have you imported Aussies?
A bitch was due to be imported in whelp to the UK from our good friend Pam McDougall Douglas’ Tahee Kennel. We quickly booked a puppy from that litter. When the litter was born we were to get “first pick” of the dog puppies. When we got the phone call to say the puppies could be released from quarantine my husband Bill drove to the far south of England accompanied by our good friend Abe Harkness, who was to co-own this dog with Bill, to see the litter in the quarantine kennels. They soon picked the dog they wanted, Bill put him in the travelling box and brought him home. The minute he came out of the box he ran over to greet me and promptly lifted his leg on my slippers as if to say “You’re mine”!! He was just over 10 weeks old at the time! Herbie loved life and above all else, he absolutely adored puppies – he was brilliant with them. He lived all his life with us here at Ralindi and he holds a special place in my heart. I’m delighted to say we campaigned him to his UK Championship title.
Do you see a difference in personalities between dogs from other countries and dogs from the UK?
To be honest, no.
Did you find it difficult to produce a nice natural tail?
The last litter I bred was born in early June 2009. This was our first litter in almost four years so I have only bred one litter with full tails. I’m delighted to say all six puppies from that litter had lovely tails.
Can you describe what a good natural tail should look like?
In my humble opinion a good natural tail should have a fairly gentle curve and it should be in balance with the dog. Time will no doubt tell as this is still in its infancy here in the UK. Other countries have much more experience of Aussies with full tails than our UK Aussie breeders.
Did you have a few favorite Aussies that you owned or bred?
I have to be honest and say there were a few that completely stole my heart.
Who were they and why were those your favorites?
My very first Aussie was a great favourite, and she of course took me in to this wonderful breed. She was very rarely shown as she never coated up. My very first Ch (Ch Spenmoss Blue Marcus) was a real character with a huge personality as was our big-winning bitch Ch Future Vision of Ralindi. When she put her mind to it she could be a real madam and in fact she would respond to the word “Madam” as well as her true call name which was Holly. She loved to play with a rubber ball and would spend ages tossing it in the air, catching it, running about with it in her mouth before tossing it in the air again! She was an absolute joy to own.
Ch. Spenmoss Blue Marcus Photographer: Diane Pearce
How has the Aussie changed since you started breeding?
The Aussies of today tend to be bigger than in past years. The way Aussies are presented for the showring has changed a lot since I started in the breed.
Do you think the Aussie has improved?
Overall, fronts have improved a lot over the years. There were a small number of Aussies in the past that had very good fronts but they were very few and far between.
What concerns you about the Aussie of today as it relates to conformation and health?
Here in the UK I personally feel a number of the Aussies of today lack the strength and depth of muzzle required for the breed and some Aussies do not have the correct almond-shaped eye. Good, ground-covering movement showing drive and the desired springy action continues to be an area of concern. As to the health of our breed the breeders here are aware of diabetes and some cases of epilepsy have been reported. Both are currently being monitored.
What have Aussies added to your life?
I absolutely love their great sense of fun! They make me laugh. Showing them over the years has been an absolute joy and we’ve made lots of good friends with other Aussie owners in various countries throughout the world.
Ralindi Eartha Kitt Photo: Lorna Brown
You have put your heart and soul into working for the Club, your Newsletter and your annual trip to Cruft’s.
Can you share how many positions you have had at the club?
I served on the Committee of the ATCGB in both the 1970s and the1980s and I have been, and still am, Honorary Secretary of The Australian Terrier Club of Great Britain, a position I have held since 1995.
Is Honorary Secretary the same as President of the Club in the US?
As I don’t know what’s involved in being President of the Club in the US, I really can’t say! What I can say is that being Secretary of the ATCGB involves me in booking judges, show venues, veterinarians to be on call for our shows, applying to The Kennel Club for licenses for our shows, applying for Ch status and for the date of our annual Open show, dealing with all the Club’s correspondence, sending out all the paperwork for our AGM and all meetings of the Club, taking notes at all our Club’s meetings and turning those notes into the minutes of those meetings, liaising with The KC on all sorts of things, dealing with enquiries that come in re puppy availability and a whole lot more besides all of the above!!! We may be very much a minority breed in the UK but it’s a very busy Club.
Can you tell us about your Club’s Newsletter? Can International people subscribe and how would they do that?
My daughter Lorna is the Newsletter editor. I also contribute a great deal to our Club’s Newsletter. International people can become members of the ATCGB and that entitles them to receive copies of our Newsletters.
Does your club have International Memberships?
Yes, we do. A Single Overseas Membership costs £7.00 and a Joint Overseas Membership costs £9.00.
How does one become a member (if so)?
People who wish to become members have to fill in an ATCGB Membership Application Form which needs to be proposed and seconded by fully paid-up members of the ATCGB. Their application for membership then comes before the Committee for approval.
Ralindi Express Yourself Photo: Lorna Brown
Can you tell us how your annual trip to Crufts came about?
The first few years I went to Crufts (in the 1960s) I went in a group on the overnight train from Edinburgh to London. Later that changed to an overnight coach from Fife to London. Later still the above-mentioned Abe Harkness used to organise 2-3 overnight coaches from here in Lanarkshire and I always took charge of one of his coaches for him. In those days overnight coaches to all-breeds Ch shows was the way many exhibitors chose to go to the bigger Ch shows. It was more cost-effective and the exhibitors didn’t have to drive there and back to do the shows. If they were tired, they could have a sleep as someone else was driving! Through time, and as more and more people became car owners they would team up and share the costs of taking their own cars and they would share the driving to these shows so going to shows by coach became a lesser option but going to Crufts by coach was still very popular. When Abe changed his breed, his coach to Crufts was for a different day to Terrier & Hound Day so Bill and I took over organising the overnight coach to Crufts, initially running two coaches to the show. When the show moved to Birmingham which was nearer for exhibitors from Scotland we organised just one coach to take the exhibitors, their dogs and spectators to Crufts and I still run a coach to this day.
Have you had any funny or disastrous moments?
Many years ago Bill and I were on a coach going from Fife to London for the Ladies Kennel Association Ch show in December. We were in London when a car careened into the front of the coach and the radiator burst. We all piled into taxis and went to the show, not knowing whether the coach company could get a replacement radiator in time to take us back home that day or whether the coach company would manage to get a replacement coach to get us back home.
One other time, about 30 years ago, Bill and I had driven to the LKA Ch show and we had a nightmare journey home, driving in blizzard conditions for most of the way. We were the last car allowed through the M74 here in Scotland before it was completely closed as it was deemed to be too dangerous to drive on!! Winter tyres were unheard of in those days and, in fact, they are still not widely available or used in the UK. I will never, ever forget that journey.
Most importantly, with all you’ve done and your years of dedication to the breed……
How would you like to be remembered in the breed?
As someone who worked tirelessly to promote the best breed in the world and who did my very best to give something back to the breed that has given me so much pleasure for most of my life.
Paying Tribute to Brenda Brown
How do you sum up just how special a woman like Brenda Brown is?
To the breed she has campaigned, loved and adored for over 40 years, to the countless people she has supported along the way and to myself, after all she is my mum!
She’s a second generation dog exhibitor, originally born into the Alsadene German Shepherd Kennel. She became intoxicated by the Australian Terrier in the late 60’s and founded the Ralindi Kennel in early 1970. Ralindi has been the proud owner/ breeder of 8 champions and over 60 CCs, (Challenge Certificates) including Ch. Ralindi Future Vision who held the bitch record for 14 years.
Whilst on a 2-month trip to Australia in 1994, she was invited to judge the Australian Terrier Club of New South Wales Championship show. She is to this date the only UK Breed Specialist to have had this honour. Two years later she judged Aussies at Crufts, a highlight in any judge’s career especially breed specialists.
Dogs and dog showing are not only in her heart, they run through her veins and this is proven in the commitment and passion she has for our wonderful breed.
Lorna Brown
Left to right – Mum, Dad, George & Beryl Ness (Negura Australian Terriers from Australia)
This picture was taken during a visit by the Ness’ to our home in Scotland.
Tina Nordgren
How did you learn about Australian Terriers?
I had German Shepherds and Dachshunds since I was a little girl. I was desperate to find a new breed. I was looking for a healthy, sporty, happy, little dog who did not want to hunt everything and everybody. I worked at an Animal (Pet) insurance company for many years. I was terrified to learn about how many different problems the different breeds had. To be honest I thought I wouldn’t be able to find anything on four legs that I would want to live with until my 100th birthday so I gave up and continued with the Shepherds.
One weekend I went to a show and met a lovely Finish lady. She had her hands full of Aussies and my mind was mad e up! I wanted an Australian Terrier. Poorman’s Another Story “Nellie” moved into our lives and then a couple of months later I heard that her sister, Poorman’s Amourus Angel ,”Ina,” had not found her own home either so I bought her too.
Those little girls lived together with us until they where 13 years old and passed away of old age. I still miss them every single day.
How long have you had Australian Terriers?
I got Nellie and Ina in 1997 and was, for the first time, in contact with the breed in 1994. That was the year I first came in contact with my mentor and very good friend Jill Grenaae of Tatong’s kennel.
Do you show dogs? Do you do any sports with your dogs such as Rally, Earth Dog, etc.?
I go to dog shows all over the world and I love to win, but it is not the most important thing to me and it will never be.
I am in love with the daily life with my own dogs.
What do you enjoy most or like about the Aussie?
I love so many things about this little clever dog so I could probably write a very thick book! I love their happiness and am amazed at how clever, trustful, and easy going they are. Sometimes I look at them and wonder if they are dogs or little people on four legs.
What do you like to do with them?
I love hiking, tracking, travelling, hugging and spoiling them and I like to see them happy and well taken care of.
Anything else you would like to share about your Aussies, your kennel or your breeding program?
I hope we all can work together and keep this wonderful little breed healthy and strong, with super temperaments, and to breed them as near the standard that we possibly can.I proudly health test my dogs.
Please visit my website here to view my health testing history. Please click on the photo’s for larger or complete viewing.
Honoring Carin Sandahl Of Twee-Dle-Dee Kennel
It is an honour to see an article about a breeder colleague who, in my opinion, has made great contributions for the development of the breed. She is Sweden’s first lifetime member and I cannot imagine anyone that deserves it more than she does.
Carin showing Twee-Dle-Dee With Makeup On
Karin has always had the best of the breed in mind and is always ready to help and give valuable advice for breeders and hobbyists alike. She has generously shared her blood lines to ensure the future of the Australian Terrier in Sweden. Many kennels have borrowed a Twee-Dle-Dee male and many have a Twee-Dle-Dee bitch in their pedigrees.
The blue-and-tan colour has a special place in Carin’s heart and therefore she has chosen to specialise on blue-and-tans. Aside from her kennel, Carin has been involved in the Swedish club of the breed and spent numerous hours on non-profit work. She was also the chairperson of the club.
In 2011 Carin and undersigned wrote a book of the breed, Aussieboken (Swedish for The book of Aussie), to compile and share all that we have found and discovered about the breed during our years as breeders.
Thus, in what better way could I present her breeding than by an extract from Aussieboken? I hope that we will see a lot more Twee-Dle-Dee-dogs in the future since Carin has an extraordinary feeling for the breed.
She has a healthy attitude to the world of dog shows and does not let herself be fooled by the whims of fashion.
Her motto has always been a well-composed dog without exaggerations.
“Bobo” Twee-Dle-Dee Thru The Looking Glass
Carin and Roger Sandahl first began breeding poodles but became so fascinated by an article of the breed published in Hundsport (a Swedish dog magazine) in 1983 that they bought their first Australian Terrier the following year. The newly acquired Aussie was the bitch puppy Ch Sassatown Laughing Imp from Finland. Carin later mated her in 1985 with the Finnish male Ch Juuso von Bienehof and she became the mother of the first Australian terrier litter of the kennel. Carin also bought Ch Ymsen’s Yandilla in 1985 and in 1987 she bought Ch Ymsen’s Yarrwonga from the true Aussie-enthusiast Anne-Marie Hamilton Bartter, who had Ymsen’s kennel in Sweden and Wyangan kennel in Australia.
Ch Ymsen’s Yandilla had three litters, 1987 with Reni’s Äxtra Strong, 1988 with Ch Trolding’s Kerry and in 1991 with Ch Twee-Dle-Dee Tophat’s Tail. Several of her offsprings became Swedish champions and were used in breeding. Yandilla herself became 14 years old.
Ch Ymsens Yarrawonga left four litters. The successful siblings Ch Twee-Dle-Dee Knockout Drops, Ch Twee-Dle-Dee Good Vibrations and Ch Twee-Dle-Dee Punch-Line was born in Yarrawonga’s second litter.
Yarrawonga became mother to seven champions all in all.
In 1991 another bitch from Anne-Marie Bartter joined kennel Twee-Dle-Dee. This time the bitch was born in Australia and came from Anne-Marie’s last litter. Her name was Ch Wyangan Banksia.
I n 1993 a couple of Carin’s first Australian Terrier CH Sassatown Laughing Imp’s grandchildren was born in Norway. The mother of these puppies was Ch Twee-Dle-Dee Tribute To Norway and the father was the from England imported male Zellamere March Past Brimartz. The same year the kennel bought the bitch Ch All The Best. Funnily enough, also she became the mother of seven champions, among them the male Ch Twee-Dle-Dee Join The Circus (after the Australian male TineeTown Tryiton) and the bitch Ch Twee-Dle-Dee Take All Of Me (after Ch St.Capes Black Bumpkin). Carin chose to keep these two in the kennel.
Take All Of Me upheld the tradition and became the mother of seven champions. Another of All The Best’s sons, Ch Twee-Dle-Dee Banana Bender (after Ch Bluepepper´s Terri-Er) moved to kennel Bluepepper’s in Finland.
In 1995 the male Ch Rebelglen Time Bandit was imported from Australia but to Carin’s and Roger’s great disappointment Time Bandit turned out to be sterile, and was given to Carola Eriksson/Per Berg who showed him quite a bit and he became, among other things, The Aussie of the Year in 1996.
There were other rules and regulations concerning importing dogs at that time and there was great deal of drama when he travelled to Sweden.
In 1996 the bitch Ch Bluepepper’s Milla Magia was bought from Finland and in 2003 the bitch Ch Tatong’s Heavenly joined the kennel and in 2005 the male Ch Tatong’s Spy In The Sky came from Denmark.
The kennel has exported dogs to all of the Scandinavian countries and to USA.
Ulla-Britt Norgren Translated Sara Norgren
An Interview With Lifetime Member Carin Sandahl
This month ATI welcomes Carin Sandahl as the first Lifetime Member from Sweden. We want to congratulate Carin and thank her for her years of dedication to the breed. The Kennel name Twee-Dle-Dee is behind many top winning Swedish and International dogs.
Thank you so very much! It is a great honour to have become an ATI Lifetime Member and it feels really overwhelming. I’m very happy and flattered.
I can really feel it´s a small world, and that ATI is a fantastic organization that ties us Aussie-lovers together all over the globe. I am proud to be a part of it!
Carin Sandahl
From the left: Ch Tatong’s Spy In The Sky, Ch Tatong’s Heavenly, Ch Twee-Dle-Dee Without Makeup,
Ch Twee-Dle-Dee Laughing Face and Twee-Dle-Dee Dark Angel.
How did you get involved or started with Australian Terriers?
I was breeding standard poodles for some years and wanted to try a smaller breed as a complement to the work-demanding poodles. I found a long article about Aussies in the Swedish Kennel Club Magazine in 1983.
Both my husband and I became very interested and visited a breeder to see Aussies in real life and get to know more about the breed.
That year, 1983, only 13 puppies were born in Sweden and after that article in the KC Magazine all the puppies were sold. Later that summer we took one of the poodles to a show in Norway and ran into a man with two Aussies.
He turned out to be Mr. Harto Hallikas, of kennel Sassatown, from Finland. We kept in contact and the year after we were offered the best bitch puppy in a litter he had. Her name was Sassatown Laughing Imp, a tough little girl with a big personality. She later became our first Aussie champion.
We just loved the breed and slowly we ran out of poodles and ended up with only the Aussies.
Sassatown Laughing Imp did not love getting her nails done.
How did you choose your kennel name?
That was when we started with poodles. I bought my first bitch pup from another breeder and could chose a name beginning with T and somehow came up with Twee-Dle-Dee, which I thought suited the poodle mentality.
She was Creols Top Twee-Dle-Dee. When I decided on my own kennel name it was an easy choice.
How many years have you shown Aussies?
Since I got my first Aussie in 1984.
How many years have you been breeding Aussies?
We had the first litter in 1985, so that is 27 years this year.
How many litters have you bred?
I just had Aussie litter number 46, and we also had 10 litters of standard poodles.
Do you know how many champions you have produced?
I know it is at least 40 Aussie champions, but I might have overlooked someone.
Do you enjoy mentoring other people in the breed?
Yes I do. I think it is important to pass on the knowledge you have gathered during the years.
We want the breed to live on, be true to the standard, healthy and to have the wonderful temperament it has today.
To achieve that we have to help and mentor the new and upcoming breeders so they can continue our work into the future.
Who were the people who mentored you in the breed?
After I bought my first Aussie from Harto Hallikas, we kept in contact via old-fashioned letters (before e-mails) for some years and he taught me a great deal about the breed. The rest I had to learn myself.
What do you look for in the bitch to make her worthy of your breeding program?
Health and temperament of course, but that comes without saying. She should be well constructed with good proportions and good bone, good angulation and a good carriage with long neck if possible.
A long head with good muzzle and expression is also important. Coat and colour – the wish-list could be long.
You can´t get all you want in one dog, but I want her as near my ideal as possible.
What do you look for in the stud dog to make him worthy of your breeding program?
About the same as in the bitch, but I try to make him complement the bitch and have the benefits that she lacks and vice versa. I don´t look so much at the pedigrees when I breed, except to make sure the two are not too closely related. I look more for type and try to find dogs as close to my ideal Aussie as possible.
Can you define your idea of breed type?
I think it´s important to keep in mind for what purpose this breed was once made and pay attention to the standard when you create your ideal Aussie in your mind. It should be a “low set, sturdy dog” robust enough
to be able to work most of the day. He has to have a good chest and body to support lungs and heart.
He can´t be too weedy or too heavy to do his work, but have medium bone. He needs a long head and strong muzzle with good bite to catch rodents and snakes and he must have those quick reflexes and alertness to do so. Good coat quality is also important. A too soft coat was not practical in the outback.
A good carriage and a long neck make this sturdy dog quite elegant and pretty to look at.
What have been your proudest moments in the breed?
That is difficult. There have been so many proud moments through the years, but one memorable moment was when the blue/tan male Ch Twee-Dle-Dee Knockout Drops won BIS at our National for the fourth year in a row. He won 1991 to 1994 and was the most winning Aussie in the Swedish rings at the time.
BISS Ch. Twee-Dle-Dee Knockout Drops
How did you learn to groom?
I had done a lot of dog grooming earlier, and not just poodles, which is a totally different type of grooming, but also some terriers like Airedale, Welsh, Cairn, so I knew what terrier grooming was about. However, there was nobody nearby that could show me how to do an Aussie, so I had to learn that by myself.
My first Aussie had a very harsh coat that did not grow much and was easy to keep tidy.
At the same time I looked at photos of good Aussies and talked to people at shows and looked how their dogs were groomed and tried to copy the good parts at home. Slowly I learned how I wanted an Aussie to look and how I wanted it groomed.
Have you exported Aussies?
Yes, I have exported to Norway, Finland, France and USA.
Have you imported Aussies?
Yes, from Finland, Australia, Norway and USA.
Do you see a difference in personalities between dogs from other countries and dogs from Sweden?
I don´t think I have enough experience to say there is a difference between countries. I have a feeling there can be a slight difference between different blood lines. But then again every dog is an individual, so that is hard to say unless you get to know a larger number of dogs from different countries.
Did you find it difficult to produce a nice natural tail?
Yes, I think it will take some time before we see only nice and straight natural tails. If you could breed only on the look of the tail you could probably have straight tails in 2-3 generations, but in a small breed like ours you have to consider the whole dog, and you cannot afford to take an otherwise good and healthy dog out of breeding just because his tail is a bit curled, so my guess is that we will continue to get both straight and curled tails in the litters for quite a while. Unfortunately you can´t say for sure what the tail will look like on the grown dog until the puppy is 3-4 months old. It can change when the pup grows.
Can you describe what a good natural tail should look like?
I think the best way is to show it with photos.
Do you have a few favourite Aussies that you owned or bred?
All the Aussies that have lived here with us have been favourites and loved for their personalities and the individuals they have been. I cannot say that one has been more of a favourite than the others.
If you mean best show dogs I have bred, those who are closest to my ideal Aussie, I would mention the male Ch Twee-Dle-Dee Join the Circus. He was a handsome boy, well built with a lot of style and reach of neck, dark colours, and he moved very well. In bitches Ch Twee-Dle-Dee Take All Of Me was a very pretty bitch with a very good front and unusually good neck and carriage for that time. Today I have her great grand-daughter Ch Twee-Dle-Dee Without Makeup, who not only is a successful show dog, but also a fantastic brood bitch, who whelps her big litters without problems and who is the best possible mom to her puppies.
Ch Twee-Dle-Dee Join The Circus
Ch. Twee-Dle Dee Take All of Me
Ch Twee-Dle-Dee Without Makeup
How has the Aussie changed since you started breeding?
Here in Sweden I think it has changed a lot for the better during my 27 years. Backs and top-lines are much better, tail-sets and hind angulations are a lot better. Fronts are better but could be better still.
We don´t see many triangular heads anymore and most dogs have all their teeth, which was not the case earlier.
I also think the temperaments are better.
What concerns you about the Aussie of today as it relates to conformation and health?
As I said the Aussies here have improved a lot during my time, but we have to keep on working with the fronts.
Shoulder/upper arm angulation and straight front legs could be better.
When it comes to health, I think we have very few problems compared to most breeds. There are very little knee problems; cataracts are very rare. There are a few cases of thyroid diseases and sometimes a case of allergic reaction. The biggest problem must be older dogs that get diabetes.
What have Aussies added to your life?
My Aussies ARE my life. I live with them and sleep with them and they are my first priority all the time. I am surrounded by them all the time at home. Because of them I get to meet a lot of interesting people and go to a lot of places for shows. To watch the dogs interact with each other, play and do crazy things is so amusing, and to experience the very special bond between me and the dogs is priceless.
Ch Twee-Dle-Dee With Makeup On is using our Labrador to get a better view through the window.
You recently published a book about Australian Terriers. What made you decide to write a book and can you tell us a little bit about it?
There is nothing written about Australian Terriers in Swedish, and my puppy buyers now and then ask me about where they can read about their breed. So the idea to write a book came up years ago. When I talked about it with my friend and fellow breeder Ulla-Britt Norgren, Vitterklippen kennels, we discovered that we both had the same idea and decided to do it together. We started breeding Aussies about the same time so we both have a long experience of the breed in Sweden.
We decided that our book would only be about the breed, what it´s like, what you can expect living with an Aussie, stories about Aussies told both by us and by our puppy buyers, the breed history and of course lots and lots of photos. We decided not to take up space with “how to breed” or “how to train your pup” – things you can find dozens of books filled with. We wanted to pass on information about the breed that we have gotten from breeders before us and that we don´t want to be forgotten.
We have only received positive response so far, so hopefully we have succeeded in creating the book that we wanted. We had a lot of fun doing it.
Most importantly, with all you’ve done and your years of dedication to the breed……
How would you like to be remembered in the breed?
As somebody who was breeding good and healthy Aussies that can be an asset to have in the pedigrees in the future, and as someone who always had the best of the breed in focus and not my personal success.
The Australian Terrier Book
ATI could not be more proud of members Carin Sandahl and Ulla-Britt Norgren.
They have published the first book, ever written in Swedish, about Australian Terriers. Congratulations to them for this amazing accomplishment. Now if you can’t read Swedish, this book is full of wonderful Aussie photos that are sure to delight you.
A note from the authors:
We have had the lovable and tough Australian terrier in Sweden for almost fifty years but it is not until now that the breed has got its own book in Swedish. Two of the breed’s most loyal breeders have compiled experiences and material which have been collected for decades. In this book you will find information which has never before been published in Sweden. The book contains, for example, the history and the development of the breed, grooming description and anecdotes about owning an Australian Terrier.
These stories are both humorous and heart-warming. The book is both for the beginners and for the out-and-out enthusiasts of the breed. The book is written in Swedish but contains a lot of beautiful photos.