Visit with our pets ready for adoption. Come meet your
perfect match today!
Without fostering, there can be no rescue. Every year we save almost 100 dogs.
Australian Terrier International (ATI) raises money to support the Canine Health Foundation (CHF).
We created our organization to assist both current and future Australian Terrier owners.
Watch a video about Australian Terrier International.
This website is for Australian Terrier International members. If you are interested in becoming a member, please request membership by sending us an email by Clicking Here.
ATI members (applications required) enjoy full access to our website for an annual fee of $20.
For a membership application please click here.
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Complimentary Newsletter of our Father’s Day photo issue click here.
Australian Terrier International
Founder/Newsletter Editor:
Pamela Levy
Phone: 970-923-4567